Wednesday, July 31, 2013

He Knows

Syukur Alhamdulillah all Praise to Allah,
the Most Gracious the Most Merciful...
He who always hear our prayers..our cry...
verily, He who knows what is best for us,
what we can afford, what we can bear,
What we really need...

at the right moment
at the right time.

He is the All Knowing, the Great Planner...
and truly He Knows:
 "Indeed what is to come is better for you than what has gone by"

I always pray for you my friends
this friendship will never end
it will never wither
As the bond in the name of Allah
will never break...
Strong as we were together
Stronger still will it be when we've parted

In every single moment and day
in triump and in sorrow
you have been in my Du'a 

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Kemarahan bukan mudah ditanggung
Bukan mudah ditahan

Demi ikatan ukhuwwah ini
Sanggup ku menahan

Keberangan diganti duka kecewa
Apa kan daya diri seorang hamba

Hanya mampu menahan
Perit bersama air mata..

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Allah bersama kita

“Hidup ini harus kaya dengan kerja-kerja besar,
Cita-cita tinggi dan usaha keras tanpa henti”
quote from BroHamzah of LangitIlahi.

Kata-kata yang sangat ‘inspirational’
Membuka mata dari lamunan
Menyedarkan hati yang alpa

Hidup kita bukan sekadar untuk diteruskan sahaja
Bukan juga sekadar menjalaninya sahaja
Kita tidak sepatutnya menjadi mangsa keadaan
Tapi kitalah yang mencipta keadaan

Bersama kekuatan dan usaha gigih
Beserta tawakal dan pengharapan yang tinggi
insyaAllah, dengan izinNya
what we plan will come true

…and what He has plan for us
That IS the best for us
--to be the better person..for this UMMAH

It is  not about the flow
But the EFFORTS that counts

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